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Useful links and contacts

Pen, notebook, and smartphone on the table
National mental health support


If you are an adult looking for mental health support and are registered at a GP practice, you can find details of your local Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) NHS talking therapies service here:


For concerns regarding the mental health of a child please contact the child's GP practice or school in the first instance if there is no immediate risk.


For details of how to access emergency help for children or adults in any area see the Emergency Support section below.


Mental health support in Dorset



Other useful helplines and websites



Emergency support


If you are feeling very distressed, despairing or suicidal, and need immediate help please either:

  • contact your GP and request an emergency appointment,

  • contact the Samaritans on 116 123,

  • call 999 or attend your local A&E department, or

  • if you live in Dorset, you can contact Connections on 0800 652 0190


Worried about someone else?


If you are concerned that someone else is very distressed and might be at risk of harm, please encourage them to contact their GP and make an emergency appointment. Alternatively, you might wish to encourage them to speak to the Samaritans on 116 123. If you are worried someone is about to hurt someone else, please contact the police.


Professional bodies and organisations


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